
Video killed the resume star

Do you ever see Coca-Cola or Lexus ads that are just words on a white background? Of course not. Most of them are colorful and full of action, emotion, and attitude. Video communicates much more efficiently (and effectively) than text and images. Advertisers figured this out to sell more product, but why haven’t employers applied the same ideas to job advertisements? Hiring and job search are still relying on unreliable forms of communication from job seekers like boring job descriptions and typed resumes. Those docs may be needed, but why start the recruiting process with a less than effective understanding of the applicants?

Video and smartphones are growing fast. The use of video in recruiting has surged in recent years and more than 70% of employers have used it in some form. Video increases trust and conveys transparency. Just look at the data from product sales: 64% more customers purchase after watching a branded video as opposed to text or images. For more on the power of video in business click here.

JOBEO tech allows employers and job seekers to engage in a more convenient way using video job listings and video resumes (and video applications). Companies can establish their own brand and culture using video job listings, and seekers can tell their story and show their personal brand (yes, you have one!) for a better chance at a culture fit and a more engaged employee.

JOBEO embraces the advances in video technology found in smartphones and other mobile devices. Users don’t worry about buffering and glitches like they did a couple years ago. This article from Business Insider shows how more people are embracing video and their smartphones, which means they find it more convenient and easier to access data on their mobile device than even their desktop. How often do you find yourself using a smartphone for certain tasks while sitting at your desk in front of a computer? Our lifestyles are changing, and so are the expectations of job seekers. Video recruiting on mobile is killing the off the resume reading days. No more piles of paper! Better yet, no more asking job seekers to waste their time on that paper.

Employers shouldn’t ask someone to invest 30 minutes in an online job application before the person even knows what the job is about… especially when all that typing will likely go into a “black hole” where they never get any reply or feedback. This is one reason why 83% of job seekers don’t like the job search experience. Video job search simply shows the job seeker what they really want to know.

JOBEO allows employers to be more efficient and effective, and gives job seekers a better experience. Less time is wasted filling out long forms and applications that will in all likelihood never get looked at with human eyes. Time is also saved by not needing to correlate schedules multiple people. Time is of the essence for not only the employer, but for the job candidate, too. The faster a “fit” (not a hire or job) can be found, the better.

This isn’t video interviews. JOBEO’s two-way video transparency requires mutual interest before getting moved down the recruiting funnel. Video interviews have been around for many years and they haven’t moved the needle. Job search still stinks. Video interviews often seem condescending and become a drop-off point for good candidates. They get asked to spend 20-30 minutes using clunky software to answer questions when they don’t know anything about the job other than a vague descriptions and a few clicks on the company website. Well, video has evolved into JOBEO. Employers must introduce the job in authentic video and candidates submit videos that do the same, and they even include a couple answers in video form to required questions given by the employer. You both learn more about each other that way and determine immediately if there is potential in each other.

Personality and character are represented in video much more efficiently than written forms. Video job search is killing the written resume/application process that many companies cling to.