
Job search On mobile: Video applications and video job listings

Looking for a job on your mobile device is not just for the kids. It’s not even reserved for tech jobs and marketing roles. With smartphone ownership in the US over 80% and growing (and in house computers dropping), it only makes sense to see mobile job search increase. Employers need to be aware and make changes in their application processes to meet these mobile needs.

While Millennials may be the most active on mobile — 78% used mobile devices to find jobs as of  2016 according to Indeed — Gen Xers aren’t far behind, with around 73% searching for work on mobile devices. In recent years, Baby Boomers have seen the highest increase in mobile job search among the three generations, with around 57.2% of Boomers active in 2016, up from just 51.2% in 2014.

The occupations with the highest rate of mobile job search are actually BLUE COLLAR: building and grounds cleaning and maintenance, with 80% of job searches originating from a mobile device. This is followed by construction at 79%. Installation, maintenance, and repair as well as transportation and material moving also appear at the top of the list. Why? People working in these occupations aren’t sitting behind desks all day. They’ve got a smartphone, but not a computer.

There are problems, though. Employers don’t have a mobile friendly job application process developed. Webpages and forms are clunky and won’t load correctly on different devices. Applications are nearly always way too long and require way too much personal data that simply doesn’t make sense to enter on mobile. This is likely why 60% of job applications are started but never completed.

JOBEO video job search simplifies all this by reducing the data in the first step and making it more about the candidates’s personality and character seen in short video clips… not who they CLAIM to be on a piece of paper. Video resumes and video job listings convey transparency and honesty. Video recruiting with JOBEO establishes genuine interest and potential for a match before significant time, effort, and personal data is submitted.